Happy Valborg

Every year, on the last day of April, we celebrate Valborg in Scandinavia. This day was named after the saint Valborg. Hundreds of years ago people used to light big bonfires and run around screaming and howling to chase away witches. On this very day it was said that the witches were flying on their broomsticks or goats to the places where they were going to make their sacrifices. They were up to no good and joined forces with the devil.
Although way before the fear of witches began, people lit bonfires to get rid of the old and welcome the new. We are back to that tradition now. It's a joyous occation where hundreds of fires rise to the sky. Big crowds gather around them to play the lottery, there are kids games, a choir singing songs about spring and fire works. I have many wonderful childhood memories from this evening where I would always run around playing with my sister and friends and sometimes join the grown ups who stood there watching the fire all night. Sweden come alive at this time of year because it's a celebration of spring and the light that comes with it. So tonight I will see yet another one of these bonfires and enjoy every moment of it. I'm moving to California this fall so it will be a long time until I see something like this again and get to experience the magic of Valborg.